Festivals & Events

For events at the hotel, s. "NEWS"

Apart from the festivals and events listed below, check out these venues - among many others - for regular live music:

as well as the Kino Armata and the Oda Theatre for various cultural events, the National Theatre for theatre plays and  the Kosovo Ballet for ballet performances.


Erdhlezeti Festival, Pristina, May

International music festival



Hasi Jehon, Gjonaj/Prizren, 2- 4 May 2024

Open-air regional folk music & dance festival



FerFilm, Ferizaj, 2 - 6 May 2024

International film festival

http://ferfilm.eu and https://www.facebook.com/ferfilm.eu


Prishtina Jazz Festival, 3 - 6 May 2024

Performances by local and international jazz musicians



ReMusica, Pristina, 3 - 23 May 2024

International contemporary music festival

http://remusicafestival.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/ReMusicaFestival


Chopin Piano FEST, Pristina,  9 May - 9 June 2024

polip, Pristina, 13 - 15 May 2024

International literature festival



BunarFest, Prizren, 31May - 2 June 2024

River rafting race using tractor tire inner tubes

http://40bunarfest.org/ and https://www.facebook.com/bunarfest


Old Timer Fest, Prizren, 7 - 9 June 2024

Medieval Arts and Crafts Festival “Shield”, Gracanica, 14 - 16 June 2024

Knights and archery tournaments; medieval workshops among which is blacksmiths workshop; leather workshop, pottery workshop and medieval social games; concert of medieval music and exhibition of medieval armors and weapons



HAPU - Festival of Art in Public Space, Pristina, 23 - 25 June 2024

"HAPU Festival is a unique festival of art work in public space presenting innovative work developed in Kosovo and wider, undiscovered for Kosovar audiences. HAPU using the power of art gives a different, transformable dimension to the Public Space."

http://www.hapu.me/en/home and https://www.facebook.com/hapufest/


Mirëdita, dobar dan, Pristina, 27 - 29 June 2024

Festival bringing together artists, human rights and peace activists, and opinion makers from Kosovo and Serbia



Meeting of Styles, Pristina, 28 - 30 June 2024

Street art festival with more than 100 graffiti artists



North City Jazz & Blues Festival, Mitrovica / Zvecan, June

Kosovo Theatre Showcase, 2 July 2024

Kosovo Architecture Festival, Pristina, 1 - 4 July 2024

NGOM Fest, Prizren, 11 - 14 July 2024

Music festival (electronic music, punk rock, heavy metal)



Anibar Animation Festival, Peja, 15 - 21 July 2024

Anibar screens animated films coming from different places around the world, that in three cinemas, two of them set outdoors. Except the screening of the films during the festival, workshops, lectures, debates and additional daily activities (concerts and camping) are organized.

http://anibar.com/,  https://www.facebook.com/anibarfestival and https://twitter.com/anibarfest


Rame Lahaj International Opera Festival, Pristina, 21 July - 2 August 2024

High-Diving Competition, Ura e Shenjte, Gjakova, late July

In this traditional high-diving competition dating back to 1954, divers jump 22 m from a bridge into the Drini i Bardh river



Sunny Hill Festival, Pristina, 25 - 28 July 2024

Music festival with Dua Lipa and other international and local acts

https://sunnyhillfestival.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/sunnyhillfestival


DokuFest, Prizren, 2 – 10 August 2024

Major international documentary and short film festival

http://dokufest.com and https://www.facebook.com/dokufestprizren


Etno Fest, Kukaj / Pristina, 10 - 18 August 2024

Folklore and arts festival



Eja n'Sharr Fest, Guri i Zi, August

Various sports activities



Traditional Rugova Games, Stakaj, August

Traditional wrestling games, accompanied by folklore performances



Pilgrimage to the Black Madonna, Letnica, Viti/Vitina, 15 August 2024

Thousands of Albanian, Croatian, Serbian and Roma pilgrims, Catholics as well as Orthodox Christians and Muslims, venture to this village in eastern Kosovo every August to mark the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Hardh Fest, Rahovec, 6 - 8 September 2024

PriFest, Pristina, 10 - 15 September 2024

International film festival with films shown in 5 locations, incl. 2 openair cinemas

http://www.prifest.org/,  https://www.facebook.com/prifest and https://twitter.com/PriFilmFest


DAM Festival, Pristina, 18 - 22 September 2024

International festival of young musicians



Mural Fest, Ferizaj, September

Mural art festival with local and international artists

https://muralfest.org and https://www.facebook.com/muralfestkosova


Prishtina Marathon, 22 September 2024

FemArt, Pristina, 25 - 30 September 2024

Platform for starting and presenting ideas and creations that bring forward feminist concepts and their development in Kosovo. Theater performances, Films (Documentaries, Shorts and Features), Exhibitions, Performance, Concerts, Lectures, Workshops, Panel Discussions and Presentations.

http://femart-ks.com and  https://www.facebook.com/FemartKosova


Albaniada, Pristina, September

Traditional Albanian games



Prishtina International Vocal Festival, Pristina, 4 - 14 October 2024

Peja Jazz, Peja, 30 October - 4 November 2024

Kamerfest, Pristina, September - November

Festival of chamber music



Kosovarja Kendon, Ferizaj, October - November

Festival of traditional women's folk music



Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, 5 July - 5 October 5, 2025

International contemporary art exhibition and various activities such as international conferences, lectures, workshops, researches, debates.



Rolling Film Festival, 2025

Sunet, Donje Ljubinje, July/August 2027

Circumcision ceremony and traditional oil wrestling competition, every five years