Check also our calendar of festivals and events, suggested tours and the hiking & biking opportunities Kosovo offers!
Gračanica monastery (800 m): An outstanding example of Serbian medieval architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Ulpiana (1.4 km): Ancient Roman town, once one of the biggest in the Balkans, destroyed by Slav invaders in the 6th century. Archaeological excavations are taking place every summer
Trails: Explore the surroundings on foot or mountain bike (for rent at the hotel), good for jogging too
Farmers market (700 m): Farmers from Gračanica and surrounding villages sell their products like fresh cheese, ajvar, fruits and vegetables, home made wine, raki etc. Monday through Saturday
Cultural Center Gracanica (420 m): Exhibitions, concerts and film screenings
Veletin (7 km): The extinct volcano above Gračanica, former site of a Roman fire telegraph, offers the best view of the Kosovo plain and the mountains surrounding it.
Lake of Badovc (5 km): The artificial lake is a favourite of locals for swimming, picnicking and fishing
Prishtina Golf, Laplje Selo (6 km): Beautiful miniature golf course where the World Adventure Golf Masters took place in 2016
Agim Cavdarbasha Museum, Caglavica (7 km): Museum dedicated to the most famous Kosovar sculptor (temporarily closed, sculptures can be seen only through the fence)
Janjevo (9 km): Old mining town with previously Croat majority, beautiful half-timbered houses
Bear Sanctuary (13 km): The 15 ha park is now home to 15 bears previously held in cages at restaurants and private zoos
Atelier of Bajram and Farija Mehmeti, Lepina (13 km): Roma painters whose works were exhibited at the National Art Gallery in Pristina, in Vienna and Berne - and at the hotel (s. also "Art of change in post-war Kosovo")
"Car Market" (11 km), actually a huge open air market where everything from live animals to furniture, plants to second hand shoes is sold. Every Sunday morning next to the ETC supermarket on the road Pristina-Fushe Kosove
Tomb of Sultan Murat, Mazgit (16km): On the spot where the sultan was killed in the battle of Kosovo, with a magnifient 400 years old muleberry tree and an interesting museum
Gadime Cave, Gadime (21 km):
The cave, 1260 m long, features stalagmites and stalaktites in various shapes. 440 m are open to the public.
Novo Brdo (29 km): In the Middle Ages one of the biggest mining towns in Europe, famous for its silver and gold mines, abandoned since the 17th century. Ruins of the castle, parts of the city walls and two churches in an impressive scenery. Possibility to rent mountain bikes
Te Xhema, Bunjak, Novo Brdo (32 km): Tree guesthouse, a gesamtkunstwerk not to miss, with wonderful hosts, traditional food (preorder: 044 729 997) and a phantastic view
Catholic cathedral: The clock tower, accessible by elevator from 10am to 12am (except Sundays) and from 4 pm to 6pm, in summer from 8am to 9pm (on Sundays from 2pm), offers a great view of the city
The Kosova Art Gallery: Exhibitions by local and international artists
Orthodox church: Unfinished huge church built under Milošević to underscore the Serb claim to Kosovo
Statue of Skenderbeg: Copy of the statue on the main square in Tirana, brought in triumph to Pristina in 2001
Swiss Diamond Hotel: The most expensive hotel in Kosovo, owned by the richest man in Kosovo, Behgjet Pacolli, who made his fortune with construction contracts for the Kremlin
Kosovo Museum: Artefacts showing Kosovo's long and rich history
Ethnographic museum: Beautiful mansion previously belonging to a noble family exhibiting traditional tools, costumes etc.
Independence Museum: The small house, once the seat of the Kosovo Writers Association, now shows photos and objects relating to the events that lead to Kosovo's
Dit' e Nat': Book and coffee shop, regular live music and other events
Batushas House: Apartment complex with 154 apartments built over 15 years without architect, engineer or building permit, subject of an award-winning feature length documentary by Tino Glimmann and Jan Gollob
Lassen Sie sich das «andere» Prishtina von Einheimischen zeigen und entdecken Sie das Leben abseits der üblichen Sehenswürdigkeiten. Ilir Hasanaj ist Stadtführer, Filmemacher (Me dasht', me dasht', me dasht') und Kulturaktivist. Er hat in Zürich studiert und ist nach Prishtina zurückgekehrt. Er ist ein ausgewiesener Kenner der Stadt und ihrer lebendigen Kulturszene.
Nach einer Tour mit ihm werden Sie verstehen, warum er sich in die versteckte Magie der Stadt verliebt hat. Eine massgeschneiderte, informative und unterhaltsame Individualtour zu den spannendsten Orten der Stadt in Deutsch, abgestimmt auf ihre Wünsche.
Unsere Gäste über die Tour: "Seine Begeisterung für den Wiederaufbau und die neue Kultur im ehemaligen Kriegsland wirkte ansteckend und begeisterte auch uns."
Prishtina City-Tour halber Tag: 75 Euro
Prishtina City-Tour ganzer Tag: 150 Euro
Kontakt: 049 630 926